Thursday, 13 June 2013

slight change of plan

Well there has been a slight change in plans. I had planned of getting the live sand first then the live rock after, but after going through different threads on a fish forum I belong to the recommended way is to add the rock first and deal with the aquascaping  and then add the sand all around the rock. This means the rock will be resting on the glass bottom of the tank and there will be no risk of slippage and possible falling of rock damaging fish and or corals, as some fish like to dig in the sand in order to hide or even to sleep...
So Ive ordered 20kg of rock to be delivered tomorrow. And as I write this I get called away to answer the door to find the special sand has finally arrived !!! lol so its a good job im buying the rock for delivery tomorrow. Only problem I can see is that 20kg of sand isnt that much when its wet... so I might end up buying more in order to make sure that the sand bed is deep enough, especially if I buy one of those special maximus clams ive had my eye on for over a year lol.

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