Sunday, 23 June 2013

new wave maker

I  got my new wave maker the other day, it only took 4 days for delivery from hongkong !! so I was well pleased.
I took a few pics and some vids, unfortunately I lost the vid of the old power head working to show you the difference between the two. When I get some time I might hook up the old power head just to take a vid to show you ( there really is a big difference)

old power head on left new wave maker on right
As you can see the new wave maker is slightly smaller than the power head but the difference in water flow is amazing. The reason I wanted the wave maker is because in the sea the water moves around randomly and not in a constant straight line like you get with a power head style pump. The wave maker has 7 different settings that you can use and different power lvls for thoes settings and you can even adjust the pulses of the pump to get the wave action that you want.

very short vid- click me please

I will also make a longer vid and show you some of the other settings. Not only is it making waves on top of the tank, its making better water flow though the whole of the tank which is the important part, because corals and fish prefer a more natural and random typ of water flow

Thursday, 20 June 2013

some sand pics

I thought I would add some pics of the sand that im using. As I said before its "special" live sand that already contains all the good bacteria that a healthy tank needs to thrive. As its sand from the sea bed it has bits of coral and sea shells making everything more natural. In one of the pics you can see where something has been moving across the sand but I have no idea what it is yet lol. You can also see the "shimmer" effect that you get from using led lights, something you cant get from the light tubes alot of people use.

more updates

Have some more updates. When I added the sand I realized that I didnt have enough so I had to order more lol but only 10kilo this time.
Nooo cloudy again..
Ahhh thats better
I also bought some stuff for the refugium that makes it work much better.I added some live rock rubble to help with the biological's. I also added some copepods  which will live amongst the live rock rubble and also as they breed and colonize some will escape into the main tank and help to feed the fish giving them a nice live boost to their feeding. I also added some cheato which is a alge that grows in the sea, its used in marine tanks as away to use up the phosphates that can occur coursing the pain in the butt alge to grow. the idea is that the cheato absorbs it all instead, there is also a light that sits on top which encourages it to grow and will be added once the refugium is put back on the back of the tank

Friday, 14 June 2013

Old tank

I thought I would show you some of the new fish in my old marine tank. Two black domino damsel fish and two blue damsel fish. The blue ones like to hide in caves in the rock.

live rock

OK I got my live rock and got it all in the tank and added the special live sand. Its all a bit cloudy at the moment but is starting to slowly clear. Ive also added the mineral mud and sand to the refugium and waiting for that to clear also lol.

Live Rock

One side of the tank

Other side of tank
Lol yes I know the glass looks dirty but thats the water markes from dipping my hands in and out of the water all the time

Rock? What Rock??

Oh... There it is...
And I also have two little hitchhikers that came in on the rock. One is a baby crab the other is a four legged starfish.
Baby Crab

The Starfish before I added the sand

Starfish looking to see where all the rock went..  "Im sure I saw some rock earlyer.."

slightly out of focus and cloudy refugium

Thursday, 13 June 2013

slight change of plan

Well there has been a slight change in plans. I had planned of getting the live sand first then the live rock after, but after going through different threads on a fish forum I belong to the recommended way is to add the rock first and deal with the aquascaping  and then add the sand all around the rock. This means the rock will be resting on the glass bottom of the tank and there will be no risk of slippage and possible falling of rock damaging fish and or corals, as some fish like to dig in the sand in order to hide or even to sleep...
So Ive ordered 20kg of rock to be delivered tomorrow. And as I write this I get called away to answer the door to find the special sand has finally arrived !!! lol so its a good job im buying the rock for delivery tomorrow. Only problem I can see is that 20kg of sand isnt that much when its wet... so I might end up buying more in order to make sure that the sand bed is deep enough, especially if I buy one of those special maximus clams ive had my eye on for over a year lol.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

New Changes

Well its been a few years since I last posted on here ( wow !!! time flies !!! )
So I decided to make a few changes, first of all I made my Marine tank into just a Marine fish only tank and decided to start again with making a coral tank. So as I had lost a few Bristlenose fish due to old age I decided to convert the tank they were in a 50 gallon tank into a new Marine tank and as I would be doing it my self ( not like my first tank ) I figured I can customize it to exactly how I want it. My Bristlenose have been moved back to the smaller tank. ( there is plenty of room for them )
So here are the first few pics of my new build

Tank all cleaned out

Half full of water
The new Refugium
I need to be careful with how much water I add at this point as I will be adding a new sand bed ( 20kg ) which will raise the water lvl plus when I add the live rock that will also raise things. I should get the sand this week and hopefully the rock next week.
As the cabinet has no room for a sump which is ideal for a marine tank Ive decided to go a different direction. Its called a refugium, basically its a place where beneficial critters can grow safely and im able to add a plant called cheato that will help keep the phosphates down and hopefully the alge that can be a problem sometimes. As you look at the pic the water is pumped into the refugium on the right hand side it then circulates through the main chamber  which will have mineral mud and some sand and perhaps some live rock rubble all to help with the filtration and breakdown of the bad bacteria and crap and promoting the building of the good bacteria which will keep my tank healthy. The water then flows out at the top left which means that any of the critters that escape that way will stay alive and help to feed the fish/corals in the main tank. You can just see the two bags to the side that holds the mud and sand and also a led lamp to help the cheato grow and the water pump
Anyway I will keep posting more updates as they go along