Friday, 9 August 2013


I got my new fish today a clingfish !!
They are really strange, they look like a mix between a very big tadpole and a pleco/louch combo but its a meat eating marine fish.... It also her a "sucker" like a pleco but instead of it being part of its mouth like a pleco its made from fused pelvic fins...

Its a very shy fish so far tho thats to be expected as its in a new environment but it has eaten its first meal in my tank so im very happy with that.
I also took a small vid of him eating brine shrimp ( thats the small things floating through the tank)

clingfish eating his first meal ( click here)

Thursday, 1 August 2013

new additions

I have as the post title says a few new additions to my tank. I bought a few snails, some hermit crabs and a sand sifting starfish. I have a few pics and also two small vids, one of it walking along the sand ( so cool) the other of it sinking into the sand like magic ( even cooler!!)

 I also found a hitch hiker that must have come in on the live rock that I bought. A cute little starfish !!

And here are the two vids I mentioned

Starfish walking (click me)

Now you see it.. Now you dont !! (click me)

wavemaker update

Well its been a little while since my last update so here goes
In my last update I said about the new wavemaker that I had bought, well its been a month or so now since ive had it and im still playing with its settings lol, but I have had some good flow through the tank and as you will see from the pic its made some interesting designs on my sand bed lol. To me it looks like I would imagin the sand in the sea would look like from the wave action